Gangseo-gu Go to Hwagok-dong Oriental Medicine Hospital when your shoulder hurts

Hello, this is Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital. There can be various health problems in our bodies, and the symptoms of each region vary as much. However, although it is a different disease, similar symptoms appear in the same body part and can be confused. Among shoulder diseases, fiftieth shoulder and rotator cuff disease are typical. Pain and dysfunction appear in tissues around the shoulder joint due to aging, inflammation, and trauma, which significantly reduces the quality of life. In particular, many people leave the frozen shoulder, which gradually becomes stiff, as a natural symptom of middle age. We often use the expression “I pass with a shoulder disease,” but if you suffer from it like a cold, your symptoms will heal and you will hardly have any aftereffects.

However, if you don’t take good care of it, you can experience unbearable shoulder pain or mobility problems for years, so it is very important to manage it at Gangseo-gu 50 Shoulder Hospital from the beginning. Today, we will introduce the causes, characteristics, and management methods of the frozen shoulders with Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital in detail.

Don’t take the pain for granted

If your shoulders become stiff or painful without any special cause, it is often called “fift shoulder.” The exact name of this disease, which occurs frequently in people in their 50s and is called frozen shoulder or “adhesive joint cystitis.” Frozen shoulder means “shoulder hardened like ice,” and in the case of adhesive arthrocystitis, inflammation of the shoulder joint membrane and fibrous thickening of the joint sac have occurred. In other words, red inflammation occurred in the white joint and it burned.

Usually, it is taken for granted like a middle-aged rite of passage, and I think it will heal naturally over time. However, it is rare to heal on your own, so you need to make an effort to get accurate diagnosis and treatment at Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital, which often provides 50-shoulder treatment in Gangseo-gu.

800,000 patients a year!

The number of patients with frozen shoulders who cause shoulder pain and functional problems continues to increase. Surprisingly, about 800,000 people receive treatment a year.Since fiftieth shoulder is a disease that occurs mainly in middle age, the number of patients gradually increases from their 40s to about 32% of patients in their 50s. The increasing number of patients with shoulder diseases is due to physical aging, leisure sports activities, increased computer work, and increased smartphone use.

“The “”membrane”” surrounding the shoulder joint is formed by hardening.”

The frozen shoulder is a disease in which adhesion occurs due to inflammation of the membrane surrounding the shoulder joint and surrounding tissue. When 50 shoulders occur, the tissue around the shoulder burns and joint movement disorders appear, which are difficult to perform both active and passive movements along with pain. The type of fiftieth shoulder is largely divided into primary and secondary depending on the cause. Primary is a fiftieth shoulder of unknown cause, which is often observed among relatively young people in their 40s and 50s. Secondary frozen shoulders appear under the influence of a specific cause, which can occur after surgery or trauma such as fracture or dislocation. Also, diabetes and thyroid disease may be affected.

What are the gradual symptoms?If the shoulder is coming in all direction, the movement of the shoulder joints are reduced and can’t help you increase the arm.This symptom is progressively progressively.The pain is the most painful time in the first stage of the pain is the most difficult to sleep.The two stages of the joint is harder and more difficult to lift the arm, and the arm’s movement range is not allowed to lift the arm.The “extractor” is almost no pain in three stages, and the joint movement failure.After this process, joint movement will gradually recover.Usually, it is less painful when you go to the third stage, so I think it’s better.Actually, it seems that there is no inconvenience.There are actually a look at the pain, but there are no longer treated in the shoulder hospital.*Suspected shoulder symptoms of 50 shoulders – arm cannot be lifted up or shoulder cannot be turned outward. – It’s very hard to raise your arm even if someone helps you. – I can’t take things out of the shelf well. – My shoulders hurt when I wash my face and hair. – Small actions such as combing or drying hair also cause shoulder pain.- Lying down in the direction of the painful shoulder causes pain.Preservative treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and exercise relieve symptomsThere are symptoms, but if you leave it alone, you may have to live a hard life for several years due to shoulder pain or joint movement disorder. Therefore, if symptoms are suspected, it is important to get proper treatment with an accurate diagnosis. Symptom diagnosis is usually made through physical examinations and interviews, and detailed examinations such as X-rays, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be required for accurate judgment. The way to relieve symptoms is largely conservative and surgical, and most can be improved with conservative therapy.Conservative therapy is done by prescribing herbal medicines and physical therapy. Physical therapy such as hyperthermia, electrical therapy, and ultrasound therapy is helpful for pain. Gangseo-gu 50 Shoulder Hospital and Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital can provide both prescription and Chuna therapy at the same time.The shoulder joint movement, but we will move the movement therapy and move forward to two.First, the stretch of joints movement to recover the reduced joint movement.In this time, it must forcefully forcefully, and exercise to gradually continue to move steadily in the range of time.The second exercise is to strengthen muscles around the shoulder joints.If the joint movement range is recovered, you must reduce pain and reduce pain in the muscles around.When I feel pain is so painful, you must avoid joint exercise.The more extreme exercise is necessary to deteriorate symptoms, so it is necessary to deteriorate the symptoms.Please visit to the painharo Haro Haro Haro Haro Haro, and take a strong shoulder treatment for a strong shoulder treatment.Thank you. will establish a cooperative system for surgery and rehabilitation treatment with Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital, and start anew as Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital.hanarohanbang.comWe will establish a cooperative system for surgery and rehabilitation treatment with Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital, and start anew as Himchan Hanaro Oriental Medicine Hospital.hanarohanbang.comPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image