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Notarization law joint effect notarization effect Tip!

Notarization law joint effect notarization effect Tip!

The issue of settlement of accounts and unpaid wages, which are postponed today and tomorrow, is one of the most important issues that cannot be easily overlooked. Failure to repay the money within the time of the appointment disproves the fact that mutual trust has already begun to fall apart, and it means that even if we postpone it, we are likely to break the promise again.

Usually, this kind of problem occurs in unexpected situations, so people often sit down without knowing what to prepare or prevent beforehand. In order to avoid a situation in which a demand is kept silent, it is possible to enjoy the notarization effect by receiving a promissory note or a bill of borrowings before making a transaction.

Many people don’t know about the notarized legal effect, but the advantage is that the creditor who is the recipient of the promissory note can enforce compulsory execution or seizure immediately after the repayment date. In other words, the possibility of collection is high because it can respond efficiently and quickly before the other party hides or hides or disposes of funds.

Usually, we trust each other in the belief that transactions are based on trust, and sometimes we don’t willingly supply goods or make contracts. Remember, when it comes to money, I am the only one who can trust.

Of course, there is a way to proceed with the collection even if you don’t create it separately because you don’t know the notarization effect. It is to proceed with the provisional seizure and increase the collection rate through litigation. In the case of a small amount of money, even though it is possible to reduce the cost and time required through a small amount of civil action, it is inevitable that it will take at least 2-3 months, so it will be a burden.

Furthermore, the procedure must be difficult and complicated because the amount of more than 30 million won must be processed through civil litigation. If you prepare a loan certificate or contract and visit a notary office for confirmation in advance, you can meet the same functions as the executive officer, such as the ruling, without going through this process, so you can reduce the time required.

Another advantage of notarization is that you can directly inquire about the other party’s property and credit through a debt collection company. Usually, in order to proceed with collection, it is important to understand whether the other party has the ability to repay the money. If the investigation is conducted, information on not only banks but also hidden real estate and land can be obtained in advance, and the bonds can be recovered through foreclosure, saving time and money while efficiently collecting bonds.

There are differences depending on the bonds, but in the case of ordinary trading company bonds, they have an extinctive statute of limitations of three years, so I think many people are in a hurry. If you are hesitating, you should check the notarized effect from the beginning and use a collection company if you cannot accept a claim, because it can be difficult to investigate by yourself and there are limitations in the process of investigating the debtor.

There are differences depending on the bonds, but in the case of ordinary trading company bonds, they have an extinctive statute of limitations of three years, so I think many people are in a hurry. If you are hesitating, you should check the notarized effect from the beginning and use a collection company if you cannot accept a claim, because it can be difficult to investigate by yourself and there are limitations in the process of investigating the debtor.

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